The LICKER Guide On How To Create A Pet Instagram Account
Creating a pet Instagram account is possibly the most heartwarming experience you can do as a pet parent. It’s not only an opportunity to show the world how cute our furry friends are but also a way to engage with other pet parents in your community and share advise. Continue reading this article to discover the LICK guide on how to create a special space to share your LICKER adventures.
Step one - Share your pet’s story
Through this platform you can reach a diverse audience of pet lovers from all backgrounds. That is why this first step is critical when starting off your page. Some pet accounts fail to create authentic engagement with its community. For example, some accounts focus on just posting pictures and repetitive content with no substance. Every pet is unique so tell your story and share what makes them worth that follow. This is your bridge to connect with your audience.
Step two - Regular Content
Before we explain this step, some of the benefits of starting an insta-account of your pet is the potential capitalizing opportunities insta-famous pets are getting. Big brands are seeing the importance of pet influencers and are willing to invest. It is important to constantly post pictures or videos of your pet to continue the accounts growth without compromising quality, branding and safety. Dog parents must be mindful of not putting their pets in situations where they feel uncomfortable when creating content.
Step three - Cute pictures
Pet insta-accounts are a space where people come to escape. Creating heartwarming post leaves the audience wanting more and ultimately becomes a loyal follower or a shared post that engages more effectively. Remember to have fun, enjoy the process because at the end of the day you’re creating memories of your pet you are going to hold forever.
Step four – Unboxing products and use of insta-stories
Instagram stories are an excellent way to share your pet’s daily activities without compromising your feed. A perfect way to do so is showing off your brand-new LICK bandanas!
Step Five – Engage with community
Social media engagement is the measurement the public shares, likes and comments on your content.
Twitter: Re-tweets and followers
Facebook: Shares, likes and followers
Instagram: Likes and followers
The best practices for engaging users are posting daily, being authentic, listen to your audience, contest, collabs and offer value.
Step six – Use relevant hashtags
They help make your content more discoverable, but don’t overuse them. Through hashtags you can reach accounts that weren’t following you and your content can influence a wider audience. It is important to have you pet’s profile as a public insta-account to benefit from the insight feature Instagram provides.
Step seven – Become a LICKER!
Become part of the LICK family by purchasing fashionable and unique products. You can tag us when you post a cute picture using LICK products.
Now that you know the steps to have a successful pet Instagram, thanks to the LICK Guide, let us know what you think. Below you can find our bandanas to kickoff your first post!